Friday, July 30, 2010

Fondant Au Chocolat

Seeing as how I had plenty of the pulled pork from Wednesday night, I had that for dinner again last night. So that means I'll pull a dish I made earlier in the week, and post it up for today's entry. Everything ever mentioned before about healthy eating gets thrown out for this post. However, no matter the diet, I think it is OK to indulge once in a while, just don't make it a habit. This is a quick dessert, beginning to end I think it took me under half an hour to make. The recipe I found was in French, so i had to convert and translate on my own.

the recipe called for 7 regular sized chocolate bars, 6 eggs, 2 tbsp flour, 13 tbsp sugar (yeah i did a lazy conversion here)and t tbsp of butter. You take the 6 of the chocolate bars and the butter and melt them in a pan over low heat so you don't scorch the chocolate. While that is melting you can mix the flour eggs and sugar together. After the butter and sugar are melted, you mix the melted mixture with the egg mixture and be sure to mix quick and well, so the eggs don't get so hot as to cook. Mix well, then fill your ramekins halfway (I used 4 ramekins). Once half full, break the 7th chocolate bar in quarters. Place the quarters in each ramekin, then fill each ramekin with remaining mixture.

Cook at 425° for 12 minutes. The middle will be a gooey delicious warm chocolate lava texture, and the outside will be light and fluffy cake mix. After you remove from the oven, I halved 2 strawberries and placed a half in the middle of each ramekin. Simply amazing!

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